"What will come, will come and you have to meet it when it does."

Sunday, December 23, 2007


So here are my fish, Fred (orange), Severus (black) and Albus (white with orange head).

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Totes Random

I haven't posted anything for quite some time (like two months), so I figured why not just post a bunch of random stuff!

  • I now have Severus
  • Fred almost died this weekend while I was away
  • The harp ensemble was on TV today!
  • We made up a word while we where in Wisconsin Dells playing harp. The word is....TOTES! (it means totally)
  • Orbtastic is also a totes awsome word
  • At the moment I am listening to Christmas music, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer to be exact
  • I LOVE CSI and Newsies!
  • Joe (my dog) is asleep on my pillow
  • I don't like the song "Do you hear what I hear" when we play it in orchestra
  • I find it funny to watch Noah and Mark play the violin
  • Yesterday, I informed my mother that I didn't want to sleep in today and go straight to the TV studio because I had AP Euro and French. Then I realized I don't have AP Euro anymore....and became sad.
  • I think we need to visit a certian iowite soon