"What will come, will come and you have to meet it when it does."

Thursday, April 24, 2008


YAY! I got my guitar today. It's gorgeous!!! Now I just need to learn how to play it.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


The Viennese Ball was on friday and saturday and it was AWSOME! Every year the Harp Ensemble plays at the Viennese Ball. The tortes were wonderfully yummy and Krystal and I waltzed and pokaed until our feet hurt. Some of the seniors from last year came to visit, but I didn't get to talk to any of them. Actually I really only liked one of the seniors that came back (Lucy) but that's alright. Also we weren't really as prepared as we have been in past years. For example, on one song, some people (cough Sarah...who happens to be an old senior) forgot to repeat for the third time, but the other people didn't and tried to figure out what was happening and so they, or should I say we, basically stopped playing and the song ended right there. Wonderful. At least the audience still clapped. All in all though it was a lot of fun.