"What will come, will come and you have to meet it when it does."

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Prom, Relay and Word Nerd!

Prom was last Saturday, as you already know from Paula and Elisabeth's blogs. I got ready at Rachel Yang's house and then we went to Peace Luthern to take pictures due to the fact that it was too windy outside. Erin, Rachel and I joined another group for dinner at Green Mill and then were off to the party. The music was amazing, as were Paula's dance moves! Afterwards I went to Rachel Yang's with Erin and Rachel to sleep over. I had a ton of fun! On Monday I found out I won the Confessions of a High School Word Nerd Contest. I still can't believe it.

After taking two AP tests this week ended with Relay For Life. I had sooooo much fun, but right now I'm really really tired. Erin O'Leary painted the dark mark on my arm and we played big base, frisbee, Wii and basketball. Jessica and I also tied Hannah up in a blanket and tied it to one of those climbing ropes. I fell asleep only for like a half an hour, but I still missed the ice cream. Oh well. It was an awesome time!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


YAY! I got my guitar today. It's gorgeous!!! Now I just need to learn how to play it.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


The Viennese Ball was on friday and saturday and it was AWSOME! Every year the Harp Ensemble plays at the Viennese Ball. The tortes were wonderfully yummy and Krystal and I waltzed and pokaed until our feet hurt. Some of the seniors from last year came to visit, but I didn't get to talk to any of them. Actually I really only liked one of the seniors that came back (Lucy) but that's alright. Also we weren't really as prepared as we have been in past years. For example, on one song, some people (cough Sarah...who happens to be an old senior) forgot to repeat for the third time, but the other people didn't and tried to figure out what was happening and so they, or should I say we, basically stopped playing and the song ended right there. Wonderful. At least the audience still clapped. All in all though it was a lot of fun.

Monday, February 11, 2008


After my last batch of fish died, I decided I would start anew. So today I went out and bought my fish and I named him Carlisle.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Saturday I woke up bright and early to take the ACT. Needless to say, I wasn't bright and chipper after that was over. Actually I was really really really tired. But of course we had the Italian Dinner so I couldn't take a nap silly.

I got to Memorial (I acidentally typed my name instead of Memorial and didn't notice it until I reread this!) and ate with Elisabeth Paula Rachel and Noah. Then the white group went out and practice and the real stuff began. It wasn't too bad. We ran late on the 5:30 seating, but I really needed to go to the bathroom so I left right after it even though I also had to play for the 6:30 seating. When I got back they had already started O Mio Babino and of course that is the song that I am featured in so yeah that wasn't good. The rest of the songs were fine though except for the fact that I was starting to get extremely bored uncomfortable from sitting there and tired. One of the raffle prizes was a guitar. I want a guitar really bad, so I told my parents to put tickets in. At the end of the 6:30 seating they had the drawing. I didn't win, but I found out that Elisabeth, Rachel and Paula had also gotten tickets for me. Thanks so much even though I didn't win!!!! Finally it was over and that was when the real fun began!

We took down everything. Elisabeth Paula Noah Olivia and I all made a chain of lattice up to the attice and made train noises all the way up. Elisabeth and I had a laughing attack while carrying a pillar with Noah too. But once everything was away (for the most part) we took the cart and Noah and Elisbeth pulled us around on it. YAY! Then we ate ice cream and sat around talking. I then left and went home for much needed rest.

We missed you Rabecca. I was seriously thinking about how it was sad you weren't there during that excrusiatingly long 2nd seating. I wish you had been there. I think that next year we need to make sure that you can come. We could meet you half way and bring you up on a thursday, go to school with us (if you want) help us set up then on sunday we could drive back down. Also what dates in the semi near future are good for a visit?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Last One Down the Drain

Severus died yesterday. Fred died today. It seems that the epidemic spread and wiped out the colony. May they be happy at the other end of the toilet.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Another Final Salute

Sadly, Albus, my fish, died today. He had been living with me for two months before his departure down the toilet. He died while in the bowl with a skinny neck, so my mom had to stick her hand in and scoop him out. She then proceeded to plop him in the toilet, then Laura, Alexa (my sister's friend), my mom and I all watched as he left us. In my defence, it was not my idea to all stand around and sadly watch his lifeless body being dragged down to the depths of the toilet. However I did have tears in my eyes. I know I'm special, I almost cry for fish.

Good-Bye Albus.