"What will come, will come and you have to meet it when it does."

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Another Final Salute

Sadly, Albus, my fish, died today. He had been living with me for two months before his departure down the toilet. He died while in the bowl with a skinny neck, so my mom had to stick her hand in and scoop him out. She then proceeded to plop him in the toilet, then Laura, Alexa (my sister's friend), my mom and I all watched as he left us. In my defence, it was not my idea to all stand around and sadly watch his lifeless body being dragged down to the depths of the toilet. However I did have tears in my eyes. I know I'm special, I almost cry for fish.

Good-Bye Albus.


P said...

that's really sad!!! i am thinking of you in your time of need!!

Lisabeth said...

:( That's sad. I hope your other fish are doing okay.

Lisabeth said...

We have to figure out when we are going to watch LOTR with Aimee and then 3:10 to Yuma with Erin if she wants to. Then we have to make some other plans if you catch my drift.

P said...

hey! i picked up my dad's guitar this weekend and after a few minutes (some of those spent online!!) i could pick out the intros of that's just the way we roll and sos! yay

Megan said...

THATS SO COOL!!! i want to learn the guitar!!
yes i do catch your drift...planning needs to be done!

Lisabeth said...

Ok, we'll have to talk.

Becka said...

I'm sorry for the loss of your fish. Did you need to take time off of school? I really want to see the Yuma movie. Tell me if it's any good.

Megan said...

no i was over it after about an hour. now if fred or severus died, it would probably take two to three hours. i want to see it too! don't worry, if its any good, we'll bring it down (some how) when we visit sometime.

Lisabeth said...

Yeah it was awesome! Well, I liked it anyways. :)