"What will come, will come and you have to meet it when it does."

Monday, July 30, 2007

My Very First Post!

So, as you can see by the title, this is my very first post. As it is such I would just like to say....actually I have no idea what I would like to say. Well I will start out with my summer
June: finished school for the year and went to France
July: had an awsome 4th of July/family reunion, picked up Louise (french student), went kayaking on the great lake and taught VBS
needless to say, I've been busy. :P


Becka said...

HEY!! Cool! Guess what, I might be able to come up and visit you!!! CBMN!!! (Movie Night)!! I'm your very first post. Yeah!

P said...

that is so cool!!! i'm glad you got a blog! did you get an email from becka about her being in rochester this weekend?

P said...

i think rochester is in minnesota, but i'm not sure. if you go to customize and add page element you can add video clips off of youtube! i hope we can have our lotr movie night soon!

Lisabeth said...

You sound like you are having a fun summer! We haven't been doing much. We should do something...I dunno what but we should! :)

Becka said...

Yes Rochester is in Minnesota. But it sounds like you've been busy 2 P&E! Is your french person cool? Do you get along?