"What will come, will come and you have to meet it when it does."

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Cabin Fun

Friday and Saturday I spent at a family friend's cabin with my sister, Ellie. Mo (a family friend), Ellie and I drove up there together and had some very strange conversations. Once up there we went sailing and then went tubing. The three of us went together. Ellie fell of the most and Mo stayed on the most. I then went tubing with Mo's brother Mark. He is not very good at staying on his side and once he kicked me in the face. That hurt but the whole thing was a lot of fun. We then played cards and ate diner. Which was very good I might add. We roasted marshmellows and laid on the hamock for two hours laughing...needless to say that was fun. Mo fell off of the hamock and landed on the pole. We went inside then and watched Mission Impossible and Moulin Rouge and went to sleep. The next day it was raining, so Mo and I played the "war of 52 card pick-up" for like an hour...it was great you should try it sometime. Then we watched Singing in the Rain and took a nap. By that time, Ellie and I had to go home, so we did.


Lisabeth said...

That sounds like fun! What days are you free this week for the LOTR movie night? I'll email Aimee and find out from her, too.

P said...

that sounds like a lot of fun. i can't believe summer is almost over. rebecca has to go back to school on wednesday!! well. see you soon!

Megan said...

All nights work for me :D

Lisabeth said...

Ok good, I emailed Aimee but haven't gotten a response yet. I'll let you know when I do. I don't know if she has show choir camp this week.

P said...

i hope you aren't in a locker either. it was funny though to see your legs hanging out of one of them! hope to see you at school today!