"What will come, will come and you have to meet it when it does."

Sunday, December 23, 2007


So here are my fish, Fred (orange), Severus (black) and Albus (white with orange head).


Lisabeth said...

Your fish are awesome!! Did you just get Albus recently? Wow, it took me a really long time to write this because the keys on my dad's laptop are sticking really bad. We are in MICHIGAN! YAY!! And tomorrow's Christmas Eve! YAY!!

P said...

your fish are sooo cute!!! i love them. merry christmas!!! hope its great!!

Becka said...

Cute!!! Merry Christmas Late!

Megan said...


oh and i got Albus last friday, so yeah he's a recent addition :P

Lisabeth said...

Yay fish! :-P How was your Christmas? What'd you get?

Megan said...

it was good...for the most part

i got clothes, h.p. scene it, transformers and h.p. 5


Lisabeth said...

I got clothes, red chucks, a digital camera to share with paula, and movies! :) Harry Potter 5, The Court Jester, and Wives and Daughters. What are you doing for New Years?

P said...

HEY!! we watched your video! it was really funny and very cool!! you should make more of them! (if you ever need a miley cyrus/hannah montana let elisabeth and i know!!) haha. see you monday!

Megan said...

thanks and we'll keep that in mind (that would be hilarious)!