"What will come, will come and you have to meet it when it does."

Thursday, April 24, 2008


YAY! I got my guitar today. It's gorgeous!!! Now I just need to learn how to play it.


P said...

YAY!!! i am really excited about this!! lessons?

Lisabeth said...

Oooooh! Yay! :) Pretty guitar. Now we are almost set to start our rockband and become famous!

Lisabeth said...

Hey, we just watched Mathmaticious!
It was so funny! :D

Megan said...

what was the thing that you wanted me to watch?

Lisabeth said...

I think there were two of them: Jonas Brothers Take a Breath and the Earth Day quiz with them.

P said...

the earth day quiz is funny and take a breath is my favorite song by them!

Becka said...

Yay guitar!!! You'll have to take a video clip of you playing it and post it!

P said...

ok, check out the diablo swing orchestra "balrog boogie." it is quite interesting. also type unexpect into youtube and watch the first one (i think!) my dad showed it to me and it was the coolest and most disturbing music i had ever heard. have fun!

Becka said...

I like the balrog boogie!!!!!!!! In General Buisness, we are doing stocks AND I AM NO LONGER IN LAST PLACE!!!!!!!!!! Another good one is gymnastic bloopers!

Becka said...

There is another funny one where the spring board breaks and he goes flying

Lisabeth said...

Put up some prom pics if you have any! I want to see your dress again. Congrats again on winning the contest! :D

Lisabeth said...

Oh, and thank your mom for the doughnuts! :)

Becka said...

You won a contest?

Megan said...

i will...eventually. thanks. (it "confessions of a word nerd contest" if you type that into google you can find the website, i don't really know how to explain it.