"What will come, will come and you have to meet it when it does."

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Prom, Relay and Word Nerd!

Prom was last Saturday, as you already know from Paula and Elisabeth's blogs. I got ready at Rachel Yang's house and then we went to Peace Luthern to take pictures due to the fact that it was too windy outside. Erin, Rachel and I joined another group for dinner at Green Mill and then were off to the party. The music was amazing, as were Paula's dance moves! Afterwards I went to Rachel Yang's with Erin and Rachel to sleep over. I had a ton of fun! On Monday I found out I won the Confessions of a High School Word Nerd Contest. I still can't believe it.

After taking two AP tests this week ended with Relay For Life. I had sooooo much fun, but right now I'm really really tired. Erin O'Leary painted the dark mark on my arm and we played big base, frisbee, Wii and basketball. Jessica and I also tied Hannah up in a blanket and tied it to one of those climbing ropes. I fell asleep only for like a half an hour, but I still missed the ice cream. Oh well. It was an awesome time!


Hanna said...

relay was lots of fun! but how were you awake at 10:20 this morning to make the post?

P said...

i missed the ice cream too. when i got there there were just weird flavors like peanut butter and jelly. it was sad. but it was tons of fun as well. i am sooo excited for the anatomy trip tomorrow!!

Megan said...

actually i had to work yesterday, so thats why i was awake.

Hanna said...

ahh. what did you win for the word nerd thing? was there only one winner?

Lisabeth said...

Beautiful dresses! Relay was soo much fun! Congrats again on winning the Confessions.

P said...

what kind of guitar did you get?

P said...

and what size is it?

Megan said...

i got a Yamaha folk acoustic guitar. as for size, i have no idea. i thought it was one of those "one size fits all" or "if you don't have long enough arms, deal with it" things. maybe im wrong

Becka said...

what is Confessions of a High School Word Nerd Contest? What does it intail?

Megan said...

well, you had to write a funny story that included at least 60 SAT words in it

Lisabeth said...

Keep June 20th open!! We need to have our JBPARTY!! :)

P said...

we need to sign up for guitar lessons

Becka said...

That sounds like fun. What were some of the words that they used. Did you understand most of them?

P said...

i got the job!!! i am really excited and nervous!!

Lisabeth said...

have you ever seen disturbia?

Megan said...

yes it's AMAZING! i watched 3:10 to Yuma last night. IT WAS AMAZING TOO!

Lisabeth said...

I think we need to have a movie night! :) When Rebecca's here, we'll watch 3:10 to Yuma and stuff. Then we need to watch Disturbia! I loved it.

Becka said...

I love 3:10 to Yuma! I can't wait to see you all again...

Megan said...

when are you coming?

Becka said...

Must post marching Orchestra!