"What will come, will come and you have to meet it when it does."

Sunday, December 23, 2007


So here are my fish, Fred (orange), Severus (black) and Albus (white with orange head).

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Totes Random

I haven't posted anything for quite some time (like two months), so I figured why not just post a bunch of random stuff!

  • I now have Severus
  • Fred almost died this weekend while I was away
  • The harp ensemble was on TV today!
  • We made up a word while we where in Wisconsin Dells playing harp. The word is....TOTES! (it means totally)
  • Orbtastic is also a totes awsome word
  • At the moment I am listening to Christmas music, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer to be exact
  • I LOVE CSI and Newsies!
  • Joe (my dog) is asleep on my pillow
  • I don't like the song "Do you hear what I hear" when we play it in orchestra
  • I find it funny to watch Noah and Mark play the violin
  • Yesterday, I informed my mother that I didn't want to sleep in today and go straight to the TV studio because I had AP Euro and French. Then I realized I don't have AP Euro anymore....and became sad.
  • I think we need to visit a certian iowite soon

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Winggardium Leviosa!

For Halloween this year, I was Ron Weasley. Erin was Harry and Rachel was Hermione. We made shirts, so it was a causal costume, not a hardcore one. They were awsome though! I got candy for being dressed up...which is always a plus. Brantner didn't dress up, but she also gave me candy so I was happy. After school, Erin and Rachel came over and we went trick-or-treating and watched 1408. Then because we were scared, we watched some sing-alongs. Let's just say we are wonderful singers. We had school today, so they then had to leave and I went to sleep. I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!!

personally, i really liked elisabeth and paula's costumes...they were so good! paula looked like elisabeth and elisabeth like paula....great idea :P

Sunday, September 23, 2007


So i was really upset that the parade was cancelled, but i got over it. The game was a lot of fun. I sat, talked and laughed as our team failed miserably, but thats ok, i dont really care if we win anyways. Then on Saturday, i had to work in the morning, but went over to Rachel Yang's house later to get ready. Rachel Wrobel did my hair...she's actually really good at it. Then the boys arrived and we took pictures. Of course, because the boys got there at like 6, we had lots of time to kill, so what did we do? WE JUMPED ON THE TRAMPOLINE! YIPEE! It was fun...needless to say in dresses. Then we went to the dance...Erin and I stopped for some ice cream. We danced the night away. The music wasn't that good, but they played Grace Kelly, so i was happy. Afterwards, Erin and I went to Sammie H's house to sleepover. In all everyone I saw was gorgeous and I had a lot of fun!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I havent bloged for a while, so here I am. I got a homecoming dress. I havent got Severous. I'm not sick. I like cookies. I like brownies too. Ice cream is good. School is boring. Except French, Math, Anatomy and English. My dogs are sleeping. One is on my bed and the other on the floor. My room is red, yellow and orange. I should do my Anatomy homework and every one should vote on my poll thing. :P

nighty night
don't let the bed bugs bite

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Finding Nemo

So a few weeks ago I decided I wanted a fish. I wanted one of those goldfish in those classic round bowls with a shipwreck in it, perticularly. Today, since it was the last day of summer, was a perfect day to start my quest. Erin came over and we made cookies, then we decided the stores would be open (she came over really early), so we began.
Tropic Waters was our first stop. There we found a bowl. It wasn't completely round, but it would do. We also found a shipwreck and the perfect goldfish. Of course, I decided I wanted to look at my options, so we went to another store.
At Petco we found nothing but a poor fish selection, plastic crapy bowls and absolutely no shipwrecks. I did buy the bottom rock things there though...they're green.
So back to Tropic Waters. We bought the bowl and shipwreck and went home.
Back at home, we filled up the bowl and waited for the water to become room temp. In the meantime we swam and walk the dogs. Then I had a haircut appointment, so Erin left. (I like it by the way) After that my family and I ate dinner, then went to Shopko then, of course, back to Tropic Waters.
I knew exactly which fish I wanted, so I went up and told one of the hott guys working there that I wanted a fish. I directed him to the exact one, got some food and bought it. (But of course my mom and Laura had to look at all the birds and such).
Finally I had my fish. My quest was complete. I already had a name picked out for him. Can you geuss what it was? I'll give you a hint: When Erin gets her fish she's going to name it George.
Do you know what it is now. Well if you don't, it's Fred, in memory of one of my favorite redhaired twins who is sadly deceased.

Oh and I saw a black fish with popping eyes and my mom wanted me to get one of them and name it Severus, but there isn't enough room in my bowl. :(

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Well, I got my first job at Copps, and I started today with orientation. It went okay, but it was really boring. I'm kind of scared to start, but at least I have one more day of training stuff to do before the real stuff starts. You should come visit me!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Period 1: AP Lang
Period 2: French 4
Period 3: Vet Science/AP Gov
Period 4: AP Calc
Period 5: Individual Sports/Anatomy (Trying to change this though)
Period 6: Orchestra
Period 7: Chemistry

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Cabin Fun

Friday and Saturday I spent at a family friend's cabin with my sister, Ellie. Mo (a family friend), Ellie and I drove up there together and had some very strange conversations. Once up there we went sailing and then went tubing. The three of us went together. Ellie fell of the most and Mo stayed on the most. I then went tubing with Mo's brother Mark. He is not very good at staying on his side and once he kicked me in the face. That hurt but the whole thing was a lot of fun. We then played cards and ate diner. Which was very good I might add. We roasted marshmellows and laid on the hamock for two hours laughing...needless to say that was fun. Mo fell off of the hamock and landed on the pole. We went inside then and watched Mission Impossible and Moulin Rouge and went to sleep. The next day it was raining, so Mo and I played the "war of 52 card pick-up" for like an hour...it was great you should try it sometime. Then we watched Singing in the Rain and took a nap. By that time, Ellie and I had to go home, so we did.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Edward, Jacob and Coloring Books!

Yesterday my sister, Carrie, Bianca, Erin and I all drove to Woodbury to get our Eclipse/Twilight series books signed. We stopped in Hudson and went to an antique store, where I got a really old recipe book with old recipes in it! Yeah I know, I'm special. Then we ate at Chipolets (or however you spell it) and went to the Woodbury Borders. Erin and I sat in that Borders for 3 hours, but of course, being the geniuses that we are, we brought my HP coloring book and crayons. We got through a lot of pictures needless to say. We had made shirts that said "If you were Edward would you date yourself" on the front and "I know I would" and "BITE ME" on the back. All of us stood in line after the question-answer part and got our books signed! It was a lot of fun.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


So with my french student here all of July I was unable to read the HP book. Well she left yesterday :( and of course, I started the book. Today I finished it and LOVED IT! I was sad to see the series end, but glad it ended well. Long live Harry Potter(and friends)!

Monday, July 30, 2007

My Very First Post!

So, as you can see by the title, this is my very first post. As it is such I would just like to say....actually I have no idea what I would like to say. Well I will start out with my summer
June: finished school for the year and went to France
July: had an awsome 4th of July/family reunion, picked up Louise (french student), went kayaking on the great lake and taught VBS
needless to say, I've been busy. :P