"What will come, will come and you have to meet it when it does."

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


So with my french student here all of July I was unable to read the HP book. Well she left yesterday :( and of course, I started the book. Today I finished it and LOVED IT! I was sad to see the series end, but glad it ended well. Long live Harry Potter(and friends)!


Lisabeth said...

I loved it too! But I thought that the epilogue was kinda cheesey. It could have been a better epilogue. But I looooved the rest of it, especially the chapter about Snape! :) That was soo cool to see how it fit together.

Becka said...

I loved the part about Snape 2. It was my favorite part.

Hanna said...

i found your blog! i also loved hp, but was dissapointed that snape didn't make more of an apperance throughout the book. i did like the chapter about him though!

Devil's Son said...

yupe....it was sad..
but really glad that harry manage to survive in the end....

longing for the movie version now~!

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