"What will come, will come and you have to meet it when it does."

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Well, I got my first job at Copps, and I started today with orientation. It went okay, but it was really boring. I'm kind of scared to start, but at least I have one more day of training stuff to do before the real stuff starts. You should come visit me!


Hanna said...

oooh that sounds like lots of fun. do you bag the grocery's? or something else?

Megan said...

yeah and i will be a cashier

Hanna said...

funfun pressing buttons!

Lisabeth said...

We'll definitely come and visit! When do you work?

Megan said...

i start training tomorrow then i bag on sun, wed, thur, fri and sat

Lisabeth said...

Cool! We'll have to come and see you. :) I have to think about getting a job...once tennis is over, I think.

P said...

yeah, i need a job,too. i should get on that...

Megan said...

oooooo, they're still hiring at copps, you should come join me!!!

Lisabeth said...

Oooo maybe I will! I'll go down there on a day that you're working and see about it! :)

P said...

hey do you know what lunch we will have first sem. with anatomy?

Megan said...

we have 1st

Hanna said...

yay i have 1st too! yippy!

Lisabeth said...


Hanna said...

whopee! for finding lost things! i lost my iPod once, it was horrible, i almost died

P said...

yay we have first lunch! most of my friends have second...

Lisabeth said...

Hey! I got my prom dress at Savers today! It was the Labor Day 1/2 off everything in the store sale. My dress was $8.50. I also got an awesome pair of shoes!

Becka said...

Paula, you have friends? Just kidding. You started work? Cool. Are you really bored doing it? How does it pay?