"What will come, will come and you have to meet it when it does."

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Period 1: AP Lang
Period 2: French 4
Period 3: Vet Science/AP Gov
Period 4: AP Calc
Period 5: Individual Sports/Anatomy (Trying to change this though)
Period 6: Orchestra
Period 7: Chemistry


P said...

i really really really hope you get that changed. it would be soooo much fun to disect cats knowing i have a friend with me!!

Lisabeth said...

Yeah, but it'd suck for me. Oh well, I'll probably know someone. Do you know anyone with gym the same hour as me?

Megan said...

i think i will get it changed. um...I don't know anyone who has gym that hour, sorry. I'm sure someone you know will be in it though.

Becka said...

Sounds like fun. You actually get to do orchestra. Have fun this year!

Hanna said...

yay we have 3 hr together! animals and politics, how exciting!

P said...

i'm soo glad you got your schedule changed! we need to have that lotr movie night. talk to you soon!

Lisabeth said...

We have AP Lang and Comp with Aimee! She just emailed me! Isn't that weird?

Megan said...

very strange indeed.

P said...

haha, its cool that you elisabeth and aimee have english together again. i don't know anyone in my ap lang and comp class. i think that is a good thing though