"What will come, will come and you have to meet it when it does."

Sunday, September 23, 2007


So i was really upset that the parade was cancelled, but i got over it. The game was a lot of fun. I sat, talked and laughed as our team failed miserably, but thats ok, i dont really care if we win anyways. Then on Saturday, i had to work in the morning, but went over to Rachel Yang's house later to get ready. Rachel Wrobel did my hair...she's actually really good at it. Then the boys arrived and we took pictures. Of course, because the boys got there at like 6, we had lots of time to kill, so what did we do? WE JUMPED ON THE TRAMPOLINE! YIPEE! It was fun...needless to say in dresses. Then we went to the dance...Erin and I stopped for some ice cream. We danced the night away. The music wasn't that good, but they played Grace Kelly, so i was happy. Afterwards, Erin and I went to Sammie H's house to sleepover. In all everyone I saw was gorgeous and I had a lot of fun!


Lisabeth said...

Sounds like fun. I did Hanna's hair and was actually quite proud of myself. It turned out pretty good. :) You guys looked gorgeous!! It was fun to talk to you and Erin at the dance.

P said...

YAY that sounds like tons-o-fun!! you guys all look so pretty!

Becka said...

Of course you jump on the trapoline in your prom dress. That's what everybody is doing:) But really, sounds like fun!

Becka said...

No one has commented on here in a very long time.

Lisabeth said...

I know, its sad. But anyways Megan look at my video! :P It makes me happy when he winks.

Megan said...

alright i will :D

we've been using beckas blog more, but that's ok

Megan said...
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Megan said...

i watched

i do have to admit, he is a good winker :P

P said...

i love it when he winks

Lisabeth said...

have you called rebecca tonight?
if not, one of us should. we need to know what's going on.

Megan said...

i haven't.

i played harp at a retirement home. is it too late to call?

Megan said...

now i have (i think i have posted the fact that i did call three times now)

P said...

YAY i finished and emailed my disease/disorder project for a&p!!! i am so glad i'm done!!!