"What will come, will come and you have to meet it when it does."

Monday, February 11, 2008


After my last batch of fish died, I decided I would start anew. So today I went out and bought my fish and I named him Carlisle.


Becka said...

I'm sorry you didn't win the guitar. That would have been really fun to come up on thrusday and go w/ you to school. But since you had the ACT, it didn't work :( It would have been fun to go to the ID though...

Becka said...

Oh, good luck w/ the new fish :)

Lisabeth said...

Hope you have better luck with Carlisle than you did with Albus, Severus, and Fred.

P said...

yeah, good luck with your new fish! do you know what unit we are starting in gym tomorrow?

Becka said...

Maybe you shouldn't name them after people who have died in books

Becka said...

Tell me what weekends work for you guys. I'll try to find out when my spring break is.

Megan said...

i'm going to arizona during spring break, but we should get together sometime....before easter should be our goal.

Becka said...

Sounds fun!

P said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH how was the concer??? did you meet them??? do they want wristbands (haha)????????? i hope it was really fun!!! newsies party friday?? maybe 310 to yuma??

Lisabeth said...

Does tomorrow work for you for movies?? Where would work best for you??

Megan said...

the concert was AWSOME! a movie night should work for me tomorrow...i think. that is as long as i don't get too much make up work. so after orch rachel's mine or yours?

Megan said...

house that is. if it's mine, we would have to be quiet (my mom goes to sleep early)

Lisabeth said...

I dunno. I talked to my mom and she said if she was feeling up to it (she's been sick) we could possibly do it at our house. I'll let you know as soon as possible.

Becka said...

I love the newsies! random, I know

Lisabeth said...

You should put some pics from the concert on here! :) Did you get any good ones?

Lisabeth said...

BTW I've almost got them convinced.

Becka said...

Yes! Please post orchestra pics! I miss orchestra soooo much and the people in it!

Becka said...

You must post pictures of the trip!

P said...

gym sucks. we should refuse to play big base.

Becka said...

Yes post many many pretty pictures! Have a stike like in the newsies! No more big base! But remember, you have to have brooklin join or else it will fail!

Megan said...

i would post pictures, but as of right now, i have none. i agree, we should strike!

P said...


Lisabeth said...

You should make up your own Newsies lyrics about Gym Class and sing them to the stupid people (Mitch, Nolan, etc.)

P said...

then they would laugh at us. but i did come up with some good jerk lines. like the jerk store one and a couple others that probably shouldn't be said due to explitives!!

Megan said...

i want to hear them anyways!!

P said...


Becka said...

me 2

P said...

just things like the jerk store called and they're fresh out of you and the zoo called and they're looking for an ass exhibit! i didn't have to use any of them today though because they weren't as bad.

Lisabeth said...

you need to put up pics of the jb concert.

Becka said...

It rained all day yesterday. We were supposed to get a blizard today, but so far, nothing.

P said...

how was the vienese ball??

Megan said...

it was fun!